Saturday, January 2, 2010
Best Albums of 2009 (short reviews)
1. Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
Complex art pop without addled noodling. Every careen has a purpose.
2. The xx - The xx
Minimalist R&B inspired sexy pop songs. In every genre of art, utilizing absence seems to inspire.
3. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Digestible dance rock with synth heavy EPIC hooks.
4. Flaming Lips - Embryonic
Experimental electronic and fucking awesome. The punk rockers are taking their acid again.
5. Girls - Album
Lovely pop songs. It never hurts to capture angst.
6. Neon Indians - Psychic Chasms
Lo-fi glo-fi shoegaze swirl? Not sure what the bloggers are calling this music now, but it's noisy experimental and psychedelic pop music. It's also very good.
7. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion
I cannot say anything about this album which has not already been said. I liked it alot, I did not like it as much as you.
8. Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport
wait...noise band does house music? Yes. Yes. Yes.
9. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
10. Sunn O))) - Monolith and Dimensions
A friend admonished me when I tried to label this band. I agree. I like it though.
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